Wednesday 11 September 2013

Nurturing The Work

Where to start? Characters - twin sisters and their brother; a trio. We'll have Sebastion, an impulsive boy, Elspeth, a practical girl, and Phoebe, with tendencies towards drama. These names  are typical of the sort I would choose, so because from my experience most children like 'ordinary', simple names, certainly not the ones parents choose (much reiterated by my own children) I guessed what the characters would say - "Seb, Elle and Phe to you and me."
 A favourite surname of mine from my teaching days is Theobold; yes, Trio Theo!

Then I must introduce their Welsh heritage, directly from their grandparents. Grandmother, or 'Nain' as it is in Welsh, often read tales from the Mabinogion, so to begin, 'the seven knights from the story of Branwen'. This, within the prologue.

Then comes everyday life when the adventure unfolds - little clues, odd opportunities, strange coincidences leading to the thrill, the risk and even danger of the supernatural which entices these intrepid children into the horrors of past centuries.

Eventually the three children find themselves within the old estate of Llanbedr, North Wales and the tragedies which occurred in the Victorian era. The trio travels further back in history through one awesome experience after another, but innocently oblivious to their own vulnerability and convinced they can alter the course of history even if only in a minor way, but a major help for the trapped and tortured spirits.
Nevertheless, goodness prevails and the trio triumph but they emerge with a taste for meddling in the past, albeit for the best of intentions.

Where do those seven knights feature; how does the thread run through this tale ? If truth be told - they succeed just a fraction in fulfilling their duties and yes, changing the course of 'history' in a minuscule way!
The question is - will the trio return?!


 ' This is a story not meant for the faint- hearted because parts of it can scare you out of your skin, especially the ghost dogs in the kennel. These dogs were really vivid and very, very frightening.
The plot line was brilliant because I didn’t know what was going to happen but I really wanted to know what was round the next corner. There were so many twists and the ending was exciting and made you want to read the next book.'
Isabel aged 11.

Three Kids Gripped By Evil By Polly Mullaney        
Amazon Kindle, Amazon paperback

Lulu paperback

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