Friday 30 August 2013

Pursued by the Paranormal

The teacher arrived at the Welsh class somewhat late and a little agitated. There was a sudden hush in the room as the students quickly gathered that Bethan Jones was rather too troubled to be simply upset about being late. After sympathetic enquiries her emotions overcame her and she was visibly shaking.
" I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting, but I found it so difficult to drive here. I kept stopping through fear and panic, and no rational reasoning could make it stop."
She then proceeded to relate the terrifying, supernatural incidence which happened the previous day.

Bethan and her husband Bryn were driving along a main road through Denbighshire:

 Bethan said, ‘Bryn, I can hear horses… galloping along… honestly, there are horses.’
    ‘Oh, yes dear, horses do usually gallop along a main road - I don’t think,’ replied Bryn.
    ‘Bryn, I tell you, horses are galloping along the road.’  Bethan was getting agitated. ‘Can’t you hear anything?’
As Bethan spoke those words the noise became louder and louder, on and on, clatter, clatter, pounding, thundering, booming into their ears!
Just then a group of horses and their riders came right up to them, alongside the car, going in the same direction; first blocking the light, then spreading round the whole of the vehicle, engulfing them, smothering them as if the metal object they were travelling in could be crumpled in a second by the power and strength of the massive horses.
 The riders seemed to be dressed as knights from the Dark Ages, armoured warriors trained to fight on horseback, brandishing their swords. But the most shocking thing of all was when each of them turned at exactly the same moment and peered into the car, staring at Bryn and Bethan with the most icy, empty glare, straight into their eyes.
The couple were gasping for air, their hearts pounding and their bodies shaking with fear as Bryn clung onto the wheel, and Bethan grasped the door, desperately holding on for dear life.
They were petrified; cold shivers running through their bodies. Fear seemed to paralyse them like a clamp, making them powerless to escape from the horrifying images pressing onto the car windows.
The knights held their gaze as they galloped along, trying to force their will over the driver’s control, but Bryn realized, in the grip of his fear, this was something supernatural. He also realized their only hope of beating it was the car. He called out to Bethan, ‘Hold on! We have to beat them. We’ll try to drive through them.’
His foot hit the accelerator, and they shot out of the ghostly trap, like crazed animals suddenly released from a cage.

The students were fascinated although rather sceptical, until one member of the class said, " Actually I live in Llanbedr Hall Drive and I have heard a very similar story several times but in different circumstances. Certainly, the ghostly knights on horseback feature every time.
"Next week I will tell you from where I think they came."

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